Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The 'Noon

Scooter in car, hand firmly on scooter, we were ready to set off for the Christmas feast at Nana's house.
There are 7 siblings in my mother's generation, 21 first cousins in my generation, and 5 (and counting!)  second cousins in the youngest generation.
Add in the lovely married-in's and you've got quite a crowd at grandmother's house!  Unfortunately, this picture is missing the whole bottom row of cousins, plus those who were out of town, but my camera lens just wasn't wide enough!  It's a fun group.
The now three year-old quad cousins had a BLAST playing together, before putting on their best scowls for the annual photo.
Little Guy fell completely in love with his pack of cousins, young and old.  We got to spend a lot of time with them over the next week or so, and it was really wonderful.  They all played together so nicely. 
 There's always a lot of family togetherness on Christmas at Nana's, and I love it!
 Buddy Boy had a great time, too.
 Especially on the piano!
 The feast at Nana's was a delightful way to finish out Christmas Day.


Anika said...

LOVE the quad cousins pictures every year, even if they don't :)

Julie said...

I'm impressed that they all scowled in unison! Funny!