Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Lowdown on the Ultrasound

Yesterday was so much fun! I keep thinking about our baby boy flipping and spinning and squirming. I didn't expect for the ultrasound to last as long as it did (1.5 hours!), so every minute was a treat. They take pictures and measurements of every little part, and they sent us home with copies of about ten pictures! Here's Baby's body profile--I think he looks so big in this one! And he's waving at you!

We had to ask for this picture of his sweet little facial profile. The ultrasound tech wasn't particularly interested in his face, just his nose bridge and lip and palate, which all looked great. By the way, the ultrasound tech was very nice, but we thought it was pretty funny that she asked me in her quite thick Russian accent, "V'ere are you from? You talk so different. Your accent is so funny!" When I told her Birmingham, Alabama, she just nodded and gave me a quizzical look. I'm not sure she understood me!

Here's the top of Baby's head on the right and then his arm extending right to left. Nice straight bones!

And here you can see his perfect little hand on the upper right:
And, finally, the bottom of his foot, on the far left. The ultrasound also helped me confirm that the tiny little feelings I'm having are in fact Baby's feet and hands--I could watch him kick and punch and feel the softest little prod at the same time.
So we saw...two arms, two legs, ten fingers, ten toes, four heart chambers, all the parts of the brain, and all the other organs and parts, which were each properly sized and developed. Many thanks to God for this healthy baby boy! We also got to see Baby do all kinds of gymnastics. He got going so fast at one point that we could see all the amniotic fluid swirling around him--he'd created his own little whirlpool. And we saw him drinking, scratching his head, and rubbing his face--so cute! I'm not sure whether we'll see Baby again before his birth day, but this time sure was fun!


Jamie Helms said...

Wonderful news and fabulous pics and commentary on the ultrasound visit. I am so happy for you two! Amazing... just amazing, E!

Ole Miss Mom said...

I love ultrasound pics!! I can't believe it lasted that long! All mine are wham bam thank you ma'am!! But it's so fun to watch them in there!

Anonymous said...

We are so excited about the news of the baby being a boy - I have a feeling that he will be very, very active (and very sweet) like Jacob was! Congragulations and I loved looking at all the "perfect" body parts on the ultrasounds!

Tricia said...

and to think just 26 years ago that was us... swimmin around in our mommies bellies, and now you've got one of your own.

Congrats! I'm very happy for you!

Julie-Anne said...

Ultrasounds are one of the coolest things ever. Babies are such miracles. I am so thankful that you have a happy, healthy growing baby boy! God never ceases to amaze!

Anonymous said...

Brought tears to my eyes! So beautiful! Love, Vir