Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Baby Snodgrass is...

a BOY!!! We are thrilled! In our first peek of him, he was standing on his head--a sure sign of the Snodgrass genes, as all of Jacob's family members can still stand on their heads!

All of Baby's parts look just perfect--I'll post the ultrasound pictures tonight. We are so very thankful our baby boy is healthy!


kiki said...

WOW! Congrats Mom & Dad! You guys are going to make the best parents.

Ole Miss Mom said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! Little boys are a lot of fun! :-)

AK said...

Congrats, Elizabeth! You look absolutely beautiful, and I'm so glad you started a blog to fill us all in along the way.
Happiest wishes! (And AOT, too!)

Julie-Anne said...

I had a feeling your first was gonna be a boy! That is how it should be, I that all the little sisters in the world can have a big brother to watch over her (or little brothers, whichever decides to make their debut second!) Congrats to you and Jacob!

Anonymous said...

Yay a boy!!!! I love little boys!! I hope I have a whole family of them one day!!! Congrats!!

Mama Bird said...

Congrats!!! I love my little boy and would have five more if Brian would let me me!!!


Ruthie said...

I am just thrilled for your two! A baby boy at Christmas, what a wonderful blessing!