I haven't posted a tummy picture in a while, and my tummy was pretty busy growing this past week, so here's an update:

Jacob and I decided to have a relaxed, DC-based weekend this weekend, since we've been doing so much travelling lately and have so much more coming up. So, on Friday night, we had dinner at a great restaurant in our neighborhood that does authentic Mexican food, tapas style. So authentic that Jacob was inspired to order the grasshopper taco!!! I had heard that they were good, so I thought it was worth a shot (for him--I wasn't going anywhere near those things!). Well, the taco arrived and Jacob was really surprised to find that the filling was a bunch of whole, sauteed grasshoppers. He had thought this was going to be like a crab taco or something, where the meat is out of the shell. He still ate every bite, though he admitted it was not the best! Everything else was delicious!!
Yesterday we got really productive and set out at 9 AM to do our every other week grocery stock-up and Target run in Virginia. At Target, we decided it might be time to investigate all the baby gear--such fun! I think we've figured out we need a jogger stroller to navigate the uneven city sidewalks and curbs, and we're probably going to do one of those "travel systems" where the baby carrier snaps in and out of the car seat frame and in and out of the stroller frame. Any feedback from young moms out there? (Side note: Lately, the men and women who work the door at our apartment have noticed that I'm expecting, and have gotten really excited about having a baby in the building. I'm not sure I ever pictured myself before as taking my first baby down the elevator and through the lobby and out to the city park to play, but I'm so excited at the prospect now!)
We spent the afternoon at a hotel pool, where you can buy a day pass. It ended up being fun, but began with quite a production that's a whole 'nother story!
I better go get ready for church now--happy Sunday, everyone!
You have such an adorable baby bump! We have both a Baby Jogger ATS and the Bugaboo Chameleon. For city living, I'd really recommend the Bugaboo. It's pretty pricey, but if you have parks and places to run errands within walking distance it's a life saver. Ours became like my car in London!
We also found a baby carrier really useful. We started with the Baby Bjorn, but I'm much more fond of the Beco now.
Thanks, Jessica! I'll have to look into those!
Awww baby snodgrass is growing isn't he/she! You look so cute!! I loved the update, but I am not so sure about the grasshopper taco! Doesn't sound too yummy to me! Jacob must be a brave soul! Can't wait to hear the sex of the baby!!
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