Tuesday, January 15, 2013


We went on a little penny-smushin' adventure.
If you don't know what's involved in such an experience, read up!  {And how sweet is my baby Little Guy?} 

Family search party.

While we waited for the trains to pass, Baby Girl used that brand-new nub of a tooth to eat her first fried chicken.  And fried okra.  And fried green tomato.  And a nice, fluffy yeast roll.  She's gonna rock that weight check next week.

Couple handfuls of felonies, right there, making for some very happy kiddos!


Traveling Widely said...

Relieved to see this occurred in Alabama. From just reading the headline, I had feared that -- for the sake of experience -- you'd ventured forth onto the Amtrak route just north of Union Station! Being smacked by an Acela or Metroliner is nobody's idea of fun.

This activity remains one of my brother's girls' favorite expeditions when they come home from Montana, and, as kids, my cousins from California (the wilds of Los Angeles, to be precise) couldn't wait for the smush.

Because that is precisely what my grandmother feared was going to happen to us on the tracks, that's why it remained a rare occasion -- and a "southern experience" reserved only for out-of-towners, rarely for natives!

Traveling Widely said...


According to Title 18, Chapter 17 of the U.S. Code, which sets out crimes related to coins and currency, anyone who “alters, defaces, mutilates, impairs, diminishes, falsifies, scales, or lightens” coins can face fines or prison time. The same goes for debasing – that is, decreasing the proportion of precious metals – in gold or silver coins struck or coined at an American mint.

The idea that it is illegal to deface coins goes back (at least) to the Roman Empire. Money belonged to the Emporer and the people were only allowed to use it. It also had his picture on it and damaging his image would indicate your disrespect for his authority.

Malacy said...

Beautiful coats and even more beautiful memories!
You are making me hungry for Birmingham :)