We got married, on a beautiful, 74 degree day in January. We were so happy. |
We honeymooned in St. Thomas. |
We graduated from law school, left Charlottesville, moved to the lake house, studied for the Bar, moved to DC, started working, and were admitted to the Bar. |
We found out Little Guy was on his way! |
Our family of two became a family of three. |
We saw the Inauguration. |
We learned how to nurse babies and change diapers on public lands. |
We survived Snowmageddon. |
We found out Buddy Boy was on his way! |
Our family of three became a family of four. |
We had more snow. |
We got into the groove of life with two. |
We found out Baby Girl is on her way.
And, last night, we celebrated five years of marriage with a wonderful, romantic evening out. We'll just ignore the fact that I came home and promptly threw up my dinner. ;)
These five years have been the most wonderful of my life. It has been a wild, exhilarating ride, and I'm so thankful I've gotten to spend it beside my Mister. I love you!
Soooo your 5 for 5!!!! Good job! Love you all
Happy anniversary, you two. How thankful I am that my best friend married such a wonderful man who takes such loving care of the best girl I know!! Cheers to the next five years! :)
Congratulations on 5 years! Love the recap in pictures! The picture of you two on your wedding day is absolutely beautiful and I can tell how happy you were!!
Happy 5th Anniversary! Y'all are a photogenic family - thanks for the recap!
yay for 5 years!! happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary and yay for little girls! They are so so much fun!
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