Monday, March 22, 2010

Signs of Spring

The first few beautiful signs of spring are showing up.

Playing in the courtyard no longer requires a coat.
And the fountains have come back to life.
Sun hats suddenly and gloriously win out over snow hats.
There are birds and squirrels to be chased.
Not to mention ducks!
And urban hikes with walking sticks are the new activity.
Despite the views sometimes being less than great.
But best of all this early spring?  That slippery, sun-warmed slide.


Aunt Betty said...

Spring is my favorite season! Can't wait to see you in May. Lily and Andrew have a slide at your Mama and Daddy's house.

BettieBoyd said...

I am so glad Andrew is practicing on the slide. Aunt Betty brought us a slide for home. Now we have our own Tot Lot! Andrew looks so happy--he is a summer sunshine boy!

Julie said...

Does anything feel better than an outing on a beautiful spring day - so glad you and Andrew are relishing the warm weather and the first signs of spring!!!

Anika said...

Looks like you got a little more nature on your nature walk than I did :)

Love the pic of Andrew with his walking stick!