Monday, November 9, 2009

About Us

I was tagged by my fabulous friend, Jamie, to complete a survey about the man of my dreams and me. 

At our engagement party!

In case I haven't already told you enough about our little family, here goes:

♥ What are your middle names?

Jacob’s is Andrew, thus Baby Andrew’s name. Mine is Boyd, from my Mama and her great-grandmother. After we got married, though, I started using my maiden name as my middle name.

♥ How long have you been together?
We started dating June 18, 2005, became engaged July 21, 2006, and were married January 13, 2007! I guess that makes about 4½ years.

♥ Who asked who out?
Jacob asked me out!

♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We met once and then went on our first date a few weeks later.

♥ How old are each of you?
I’m 27 and Jacob’s 30. I married an older man.

♥ Did you go to the same school?
For undergrad, I went to the University of Alabama and Jacob went to Texas A&M, but for law school, we both went to the University of Virginia.

♥ Are you from the same home town?
Nope…I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. Jacob was born in North Dakota, of all places, but moved all over the country growing up because his father was a colonel in the Air Force.

♥ Who is the smartest?
Jacob. He’s way smart, and I love it.

♥ Who majored in what?
I majored in Spanish and Jacob was a mechanical engineering major.

♥ Who is the most sensitive?
Moi! But I really don’t have much to be sensitive about…Jacob’s the sweetest husband there ever was.

♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Hmmm…we try not to eat out a whole lot. But we order Thai and sushi delivery with some frequency. Yum!

♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
St. Thomas for a fabulous honeymoon trip!

♥ Who has the worst temper?
Jacob, but it’s still not a bad temper. He says he gets unusually frustrated about tiny things sometimes. His example was me not knowing how to open a Doritos bag correctly. Ha!

♥ How many children do you want?
As many as God will give us!

♥ Who does the cooking?
I do usually, but Jacob is a mean chili cook!

♥ Who is more social?
I am. Jacob loves the intimacy of just family and close friends.

♥ Who is the neat-freak?
Neither of us. It’s unfortunate. (When I read this answer to Jacob, he claimed that he is indeed a neat freak. This is good to know! :) )

♥ Who is the most stubborn?
We’ve both got a stubborn streak!

♥ Who wakes up earlier?
I wake up when Andrew wakes up, so sometimes it’s me and sometimes it’s Jacob.

♥ Where was your first date?
In Birmingham: we went to lunch at Oak Hill, then to the Birmingham Museum of Art, and then to Vulcan Park. Jacob’s premise for asking me out was that he needed a Birmingham native to show him the sights. This left me wondering if I was a tour guide or his date. I hoped the latter, but he says it should have been obvious!

♥ Who has the bigger family?
I do, but Jacob’s is none too shabby.

♥ Do you get flowers often?
At special times and occasionally as a surprise.

♥ How do you spend the holidays?
Usually, we visit family. Last year, we had a baby.

♥ Who is more jealous?
Neither of us is really the jealous type.

♥ How long did it take to get serious?
Not long…we were deeply in love in a couple months and after four months of dating, we were certain we would marry.

♥ Who eats more?
Jacob does, but I can put down my fair share.

♥ What do you do for a living?
Jacob is a patent lawyer with a firm in town. I’m his helper and Andrew’s mommy.

♥ Who does the laundry?
I do. Although Jacob did some recently when I was out of town and we’ve got the white blue towels to prove it.

♥ Who’s better with the computer?
We’re in dispute about this.

♥ Who drives when you are together?
Jacob, solely and exclusively. Thank goodness.

♥ What is "your" song?
“Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis. It’s the song we first danced to at our wedding.

What fun!  Now I tag Anika and Patricia to spill the details about their beloved ones!


Wanting What I Have said...

I didn't know you majored in Spanish! I minored in Spanish! We could've "habla'd" :). And I love that you describe your "job" as being Jacob's "helper." Precious!

Anne Layton said...

Sounds like the sweetest first date!

Anne Layton said...

Sounds like the sweetest first date!

Anonymous said...

I promise to work on this sometime this week or next as soon as I get a free moment..I'm working at a clients office the next two weeks, then headed to Boca Raton the middle of next. I Love all your cute answers!!! Can't wait to see you this weekend! I know it will be so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I promise to work on this sometime this week or next as soon as I get a free moment..I'm working at a clients office the next two weeks, then headed to Boca Raton the middle of next. I Love all your cute answers!!! Can't wait to see you this weekend! I know it will be so much fun!

EWP said...

Oh dear me! I better get started!

Jamie Helms said...

Love this! Thank you for sharing! I remember the late night phone call the night you fell in love with this man. :)

April said...

the neat-freak thing CRACKED me up!!!! :)