As delightful as always, Andrew is developing such a sense of humor. He is all the time initiating games of peek-a-boo by ducking behind the coffee table and then popping up to 'surprise' us. Unfortunately, he also thinks it's hilarious when we tell him 'no.' Any attempts at correction result in fits of giggles from him and deliberate attempts to elicit more correction. What's a mother to do?
A third bottom tooth is making its way out at the moment and giving the little guy a lot of grief. Still no top ones in view yet, which I believe makes Andrew's a dental progress a little out of order, but I guess they'll all get here eventually.
Andrew has an abiding obsession with aluminum cans. He loves to scratch them and bite them and crinkle them and just generally experience them.
He's also gotten to be pretty fond of his jumbo Lego set and Pat the Bunny.
Here's a crawling picture for old time's sake. Perhaps one of the last...
Aaaaaand life just got kicked up another notch!
Hooray for Andrew!!!
Oh my GOSH! I just teared up at work :) How exciting!! I'm so glad you got some of those first steps on camera. Big hugs to you, Andrew and Jacob!
Way to go, Andrew!! And congratulations to you, Elizabeth, for being so on top of things... Maybe one of these days I'll get around to posting our similar video of Amelia -- from more than two months ago...
GO ANDREW!!! Great steps! Love, Mama
That's so awesome you caught it on video!!! Congrats Andrew!!!
Gooooo Andrew!! Anna Reese is cheering you on from Alabama :)
Way to go Andrew!
Go Andrew! Go!!!
So so exciting!!
Let the fun begin!
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