Monday, September 14, 2009


As we picnicked on the Potomac last night...
...and as the little guy got more adventurous with grass...
...we listened to a recording of Friday's "Mark Levin Show." The first 30 minutes or so of the show were a tribute to the victims of 9/11.
You can download it here.
It was chilling and it was beautiful.
And it's a good thing to hear.


Aunt Cacky said...

As much as we miss you here, I'm so glad you're getting to experience all that DC has to offer. I'm also impressed that you are taking full advantage of that opportunity.

Much love for all three of you!!!

Anonymous said...

It's good that you paused to remember those who gave all. Love, Mama

Julie said...

Hard to believe it's been eight years. The pictures of the DC landmarks look like postcards - what beautiful reminders of our freedom!