Well, we had many renditions of the quite seasonally-appropriate "Good King Wenceslas."
We engaged in a rousing, pajama'd game of 
It's kind of like charades.
Some players need a little help.
Others have got it down pat.We drove a minivan.
We got to Mass EARLY, folks. You better believe we were pretty impressed with ourselves.
We spent two afternoons at the pool.

And to top it all off, we slipped and we slid.
It started out tame.
But then it got a little crazy.
Somebody was egging the boys on.
{There may or may not be some covertly-obtained video of yours truly joining in. My husband dubbed it "poetry in motion." That footage will never see the light of day.}
And nobody went to the hospital all weekend! Success!
I would say no trips to the ER indeed means a successful weekend! Katie, Ben, and Matt are lucky to have such a fun Aunt and Uncle! Looks like Andrew was a trooper too!
I would say no trips to the ER indeed means a successful weekend! Katie, Ben, and Matt are lucky to have such a fun Aunt and Uncle! Looks like Andrew was a trooper too!
No doubt y'all have got to be THE COOLEST babysitters EVER!!!
You passed the test! You'll do great with four! Congratulations! Love, Mama
I wish someone had coined the phrase "poetry in motion" for all of your athletics years ago. A perfectly apt way to describe you, Elizabeth!!!
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