Monday, June 8, 2009

Perfect Pink Polish

I used to be an OPI Bubble Bath nail polish girl, through and through. Come Summer, Winter, Fall, or Spring, I had Bubble Bath-ed nails. But there's something that's just a bit too white about Bubble Bath--not quite pink enough. And two coats makes the polish quite opaque, while I prefer a somewhat sheer look. After all, a girl on the go can't have a polish that shows the very first hint of a chip! So, although my nails were done in Bubble Bath, my heart was always somewhere else.

On a hunt.

For the perfect pink polish.

At last, I've found it! It's sheer but not too sheer, pink but not too pink, natural but not too natural!

Presenting Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri polish in Petal Pusher...

{I've discovered that my bookshelves can double as a black box for photography of products--you're in trouble now!}

Not only is it perfect in terms of color, thickness, and gloss, but it dries in a flash! Oh, and it has a brush three times as wide as an odinary one, so that each nail can be painted with just one stroke. Know what that means? No streaks! Could there be a more perfect polish?


Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried OPI's Italian Love Affair? It looks very similar, and it's been my fave for a very long time!

Family Snodgrass said...

No, I haven't! Where have you been all these years, Patty? I could have used that tip a while back! ;)

Leigh Ann said...

Elizabeth, it has been forever! I now know you have a blog too, and I will be able to keep up with you. You have a beautiful family. I am a bubble bath girl myself, but I get what you are saying. I will have to try this. Thanks!

Wanting What I Have said...

You crack me up!

Ok...I'm going to wait for a CVS deal to get it :), and am so glad you shared. Currently, my thumbs are slightly streaked, which greatly annoys me. Can't wait to give it a shot!

Confessions said...

i splurged and bought some bubble bath about 9 months ago. i faithfully did my nails each week. now i'm out of opi and can't bring myself to make the $8 purchase for a new bottle. sally hansen, here i come!! :)

Family Snodgrass said...

Y'all won't be sorry! :)

Bev said...

I just switched to China Glaze "Oxygen" because I thought Bubble Bath was too pink, I wanted something whiter!

It's stories like this that really make me miss the KD house!