Jacob got to see Mark Levin, or The Great One, as Jacob calls him, borrowing the moniker given to him by Sean Hannity (www.marklevinshow.com). The tremendously excited Jacob and family joined roughly 7000 (!) loyal Mark Levin radio show listeners at his booksigning for Liberty and Tyranny in Northern Virginia last Saturday morning. We arrived at 9:20 for the 11 am event, thinking that way we'd beat the crowd. Ha! We were around spot 650. The word was people were in line at 5:30 am. Thankfully, Barnes & Noble passed out wristbands to the early birds, so we were at least able to stroll the mall and not wait in the rainy cold!
This also allowed me to take a stalkerazzi photo through the bookshelves. Mr. Levin's the one in the cap.
By the way, wouldn't it feel weird to be a celebrity and have people take photos of you through bookshelves? I think so.
Andrew was, I believe, the littlest fan in attendance.
And so well-behaved, even though it was a bit of a trying day for him! Jacob got his book signed around 3:30 in the afternoon and was happy to wait every minute of it to meet The Great One and introduce Andrew to him. Fun day!
As for my star encounter, I've always been a sucker for pageants and so was elated to find out that Miss America, Katie Stam, would be appearing in the Cherry Blossom Festival Parade going right through Penn Quarter this weekend.
We staked out a pretty good vantage point on Constitution Avenue Saturday morning and enjoyed the parade of antique cars, horses, tap dancers, clowns, and marching bands galore.
We spotted Alabama's Cherry Blossom princess (right below the State flag).
And then finally, "There she was...Miss Ameeeeeeeeerica!"
1 comment:
So fun! I wish you'd had pics of RD last year! Glad you saw Miss America!
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