Tuesday, March 10, 2009

First Laugh

Andrew and I went to story hour* with the Junior League Moms Club today and the little guy gave his first real laugh! And then loads more chuckles! No, it wasn't in response to the story. It wasn't even in response to me. It was all for the nanny of some of the other children! She just leaned over and started talking to him and he was all giggles. I've been trying all afternoon to get a repeat performance, but no luck. I guess she really is good with children!

* I do realize Andrew is a bit young for story hour, but he loved watching all the children. He was bouncing all over the place, trying to take off after them. Plus, his mama enjoyed a little daytime conversation!


Anonymous said...

That's so exciting!

Kelly said...

haha...doesn't that just melt your heart! I remember crying the first time Anna Reese laughed. I can whistle to her now and she starts belly laughing. So much fun!

Anonymous said...

You loved the library programs when you were a baby. What a fun thing to take A to! Love, Mama

Anonymous said...

They are never to young to read too. It may not seem that they are getting anything out of it but they are so have fun and keep going.
Aunt Betty

Anonymous said...

Grandma Baumann would love it that you have already introduced Andrew to the library - I think that's great!

ElissaMLF said...

Those first laughs are the best... and it's not silly at all to take Andrew to storytime yet. I took Amelia for the first time when she was probably 6 weeks old. She LOVED watching all of the other babies!