Sunday, December 14, 2008

Still Waiting...

Well, there's not a whole lot to report. We're still waiting, but doing so quite actively! Mama, Jacob, and I just did a speed tour of the National Portrait Gallery and the National Museum of Art, hoping that a little walking would encourage Baby Andrew to get a move on, as well. And I've been spending some time on the big Swiss exercise ball. But so far, Baby seems to be quite content just where he is. Fingers crossed that very soon he'll begin to feel differently! We can't wait to see his sweet little face!


Kelly said...
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Kelly said...

Oh my goodness!! So close!!! Oh how your life is about to change in the most wonderful way possible. You've never loved anything like you will that baby. I know you'll do great!

Kelly said...

Oh my goodness!! So close!!! Oh how your life is about to change in the most wonderful way possible. You've never loved anything like you will that baby. I know you'll do great!

Kelly said...

I have no idea why that posted my comment three times. haha..i tried to delete two of them, but was unsuccessful.