Thursday, September 11, 2008


Seven years have passed since September 11, 2008, but I bet each one of you can remember exactly where you were when you heard the news that shook the world. I know I can...I was a sophomore at the University of Alabama and was on the way to my morning public speaking class when I realized I had two cell phone messages from my mother. They were pleas from her to fall to my knees in prayer for a country under attack.

As the day went on, we learned more about what had happened and slowly grasped the horror of the terrorism. I remember people wondering whether there would be more attacks that day, or later that week. American flags went up around the country, on front porches and on car hoods. Americans everywhere rallied in support of our great country and all those who were personally affected by the attacks.

As time passed, there were thoughts about whether the terrorists would strike again on October 11, and then rumblings that, on Halloween, shopping malls where children would be attending community trick-or-treat parties would be hit. Later, concerns arose about the Super Bowl being a target. Slowly, our fears subsided a bit, and the one-year anniversary of 9.11 passed with people only moderately nervous about a repeat attack. We had begun to feel safe again.

In the years since, the flags and bumper stickers have all but disappeared. And I don't recall when I last heard predictions of a terrorist attack in our country. However, the fact that there has been no repeat attack upon our country's people should not lull us into a state of assumed safety. We have been spared further horror, but it is not for lack of trying on the part of our enemies. Rather, our government and our brave troops have done their job protecting us. We should rejoice that we can again feel safe in our great country, but we must always remain vigilant. America must remember 9.11.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's lovely, Elizabeth. I know I will alway remember. It's true, you don't see the flags or car decals nearly as much. I'm guilty. What a great country in which we live! So proud to be an American!