Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Final Countdown

Just twelve more days of bed rest!  The surgery now has been officially scheduled for August 21, the day the baby hits 34 weeks gestation.  I'll get an epidural bright and early that morning, then be taken down to interventional radiology for the balloon catheter procedure intended to help with blood loss, then at 10:30 AM, we'll have a baby delivery (!!!) followed by more surgery for me.  My part of the surgery could take 3-4 hours, or it could be simpler than that.  I'll hope to be awake in the afternoon and see the baby in the NICU the next day.

This has been a rough go for everyone, and I'm pretty desperate to regain the privilege of caring for my children, as well as our newest addition.  I'm under no illusion that all will be easy post-delivery.  My recovery will be pretty extensive, and my baby will be hospitalized.  But we will be on the road to being reunited as a family, and that will be awesome.  I hope I'll never again let the immense privilege of my calling escape me...even for a second...even among dirty diapers and sibling tangles and an endless sea of crumbs.  Caring for my children is a balm to my heart.

The Mister, in his infinite genius, set up a basketball goal in my room.  It's been a very popular addition to the social scene here.

As a throwback to 70s basketball fashions, today Little Guy was sporting his brother's short shorts.  And a shirt with his brother's monogram.  He says these items were in his drawer, but I'm wondering if perhaps it was he that was in his brother's drawer.  :)

It's really been a team effort on the home front, with my sweet Mama and our dear Nanny leading the charge, and my wonderful mother-in-law providing relief to the weary.  Not to mention my precious friends, who have pitched in with play dates for Little Guy and meals for the family!  We've got one amazing village, and we are so very thankful.  

The Mister, as usual, has stepped up to the plate big time in my absence, skillfully meshing always demanding work responsibilities and recently increased home responsibilities, mostly at the expense of his already minimal sleep patterns.  He's managed the weekends solo, moved practically every piece of furniture in the house to accommodate new living arrangements, stayed on top of mail and paperwork and back to school arrangements, played Tooth Fairy and grocery-getter, handled medical appointments and diabetes classes, and just generally made the whole thing work.

And last night, he treated me to an in-hospital hair doin' by my stylist!  He's a sweetie.

We've got a little 4th birthday celebration in the works for Buddy Boy tomorrow, and my Daddy is scheduled to arrive.  It's bound to be a good day!

1 comment:

  1. From a momma of four...good luck on your upcoming surgery and delivery! I've followed you for awhile now and am always amazed at your positive outlook and tenacity!
    Blessings to you and your family!
