Tuesday, May 27, 2014

On the Carousel

As late as last fall, we sat three abreast, with one on my lap, enjoying the carousel from the comfort of the stationary bench.  The one nobody ever chooses, unless all the fun, up and down animals have already been taken.  Nobody except my children.

Round and round, hands clasped tight with one another, was butterfly-inducing enough for them.  They had no need for up and down.  No need to mount a sculpted animal all by themselves.

But winter brought with it some growth in those careful little wings of theirs.

 And, sure, they still like to hold hands...

And this one still likes Mama nearby....

But--oh!--my babies are a-growin'.


  1. I so look forward to your updates, but I realized today that they also make me a little sad that I don't get to be a part of the adventure anymore!

  2. Thank you for sharing! I am a Type 1 diabetic (since age 14) and now a parent, so it is very interesting to hear a parent's side. I didn't realize how much my parents probably worried about me (and still worry I'm sure). Keep up the good work! I can't say that it gets easier, but it does become second nature after awhile. Have you looked into diabetic camps for your son?
