Tuesday, April 29, 2014

An Alabama Easter

When it turned out that the Mister would be on business in California over Easter and Baby Girl's birthday, I made the decision to take the children to Alabama for a spontaneous spring visit.  Practically as soon as we hit the ground, the children began getting sick.  Little Guy with a whole-body major eczema outbreak, allergies, and a horrible cold; Buddy Boy with wild 24 hour-a-day fluctuations in his blood sugar, which made him absolutely miserable, kept us both up all night most nights, and required a major overhaul of his insulin regimen; and Baby Girl with a mysterious fever virus/stomach bug.  Whew.  It was not exactly how I imagined our visit, but thank goodness I was there with my parents instead of home alone, fending off the plagues.  My sweet Daddy wielded the mop and Lysol with great cheer, as well as getting up with me in the night for insulin injections and moral support.  And my Mama helped bundle the babies in blankets, sing songs, fix endless meals and snacks, and coax the children along through the days.  By Holy Saturday, Mama and I were totally wiped out, to the extent that we had not so much decided to skip egg dying but rather it was a foregone conclusion we would not be undertaking anything involving more mess-making.  But Daddy was not settling for that.  Memory maker to the rescue!

The children were too sick for me to get to attend the Easter Vigil Mass, which I was greatly anticipating, especially because my dear sister-in-law was being received into the Church.  We are so happy to have her!

However, they rallied briefly for an egg hunt.

Buddy Boy declared himself to have too many eggs, after which he only hunted them for his sister.

Little Guy found the golden egg, which he was pretty well resolved he would do.  Just as he had done at his preschool hunt.  He's a determined little thing!

And Baby Girl discovered jelly beans.

She was starting to feel pretty bad again by the end.  Vomit was soon to follow.

The boys loved their piratetattoos from the Easter Bunny.

 After some long naps for the kiddos, we made it to my grandmother's Easter dinner with my mother's side of the family.

The newest Catholic and family, who ended up escorting me to Children's Hospital ER Easter night, when Baby Girl's fever rose to 105.1 AND who wiggled me into an appointment with their pediatrician the next morning.  My family is amazing!

Alleluia! The Lord is risen!  Happy Easter to all!

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