Friday, January 24, 2014

Home Tour: The Master Bedroom

We left off with Baby Girl's room.  If you stand in her doorway, you can see down the hall, past the children's bathroom on the left and the laundry room on the right, to the master bedroom.

Almost all of the children's toys and books are housed in these bookshelves and the lower cabinets of the buffet on the left.  The baskets hold "sets" of toys, like play food, puzzles, figurines, a cash register with funny money, and alphabet/writing games.  The children play so much more constructively if we just get one of these out at a time, and then also the mess is not too overwhelming for them to clean up by themselves.  I guess it would be nice to have all of this more out of sight, but we're growing children here and you can detect that in every inch of our home!

Our room opens onto a small balcony overlooking the cul de sac behind our house.  One day, when the children are a bit older, I picture throwing open these sliding doors and overseeing their outdoor play from afar, while I piddle about my room.

All of the furnishings in the room came with us from the apartment, save the curtains, which came from the same Etsy seller who did the others.  Good thing this is just a friendly show-you-around, because those lampshades are totally askew...blame my boys, who are in constant wrestling mode these days.  Everything in this house ends up askew.  At best.
The closet with the open door on the right is a very deeeeeep, very narrrrrrrrow walk-in that the Mister and I share.  The closed door next to it is a little linen closet, which has come in quite handy.  We've never had a linen closet before!  And the bump-out on the left is the back wall of another, larger walk-in closet, which we are using as a home office.  So great to have somewhere to tuck away all the files and such.

The artwork above the bookcase is a reproduction of The First Born by Frederick William Elwell, which appears in a book called A Baby Blessing.  A friend gave us that book in celebration of Little Guy's birth and each of my babies has enjoyed it in turn.  The painting has always felt so...familiar.  The mother, ensconced in her bed, with a newborn at her breast; the father, in his business suit, dashing home to check on his young family.  I just love it.  I told Mama how much I liked the painting and she very sweetly had this reproduction made for me.

The Mister and I used to have a serious House Hunters habit.  We loved that show!  But we always laughed because every. single. couple. thought they could not possibly live without double sinks in the bathroom.  As it happens, they do turn out to be pretty nice...

What I wasn't sure I could live without was a bathtub.  But I've adjusted very quickly!  The little shower bench helps.

And this picture is very true to life...there's always at least one child lying on the bath mat, keeping me company in there!


  1. I love every square foot of it! So happy for your new home!

  2. What a lovely space! Adore the pictures above the bed!

  3. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE the painting!!!! Like...loooooove it!!!!!! And what you write about growing children! :) amen to that! And love your new home. It is beautiful and I'm thrilled y'all have so much more space. Yay!!

  4. You have made everything so lovely! Just as nice in person too!

  5. You have made everything so lovely! Just as nice in person too!

  6. You have created a great master bedroom where all the children love to snuggle with you!
