Monday, November 4, 2013

Home Tour: The Back Story

About six months ago, the Mister and I had a series of long discussions about our living situation...pros and cons, long-term goals, plans and realities...which are just vague and lofty ways of saying school, yard, money, neighborhood, commute.  Life in the city was so much fun, but it was so hard in so many ways.  What had been easy and whimsical with one baby--even two-- had become arduous and complicated with three.  We were still having a good time, though, so we eventually decided that we wanted to stick it out/live it up for one more year in our downtown apartment, and then reassess.

Fast forward two or three months...
The children and I are driving home from the pool one day, when we notice that the new development we'd been keeping an eye on for a year or so is really booming now.  For a little diversion, we turn in to take a tour through the neighborhood.  At the back, we find the skeleton of what is soon to be the most awesome playground ever, right across the street from lovely town houses with lots of green space between the blocks. 

I tell the Mister that night that I've found a place for us to live.  We go see the model homes the next day.  There is one floor plan that is just what we want...its three bedrooms and 1700 sq ft make it plenty spacious for us and our small-space-living selves, and we like that it is on just two levels, unlike most town houses.  We also like that the town house set-up would provide a comfortable transition from apartment life, with a doorman and maintenance workers at the ready.  We are ready to sign on the dotted line.  

Then, the sales associate, in all her sales-y glory, reveals that there aren't any actually available right now.  In fact, there won't be any for some months.  And, as it turns out, they will all be in a section of the development about a mile from the playground.  And there won't be any more built close to the playground for some years.  But would we still like to sign on the dotted line?

How do you spell disappointment?

We reconciled ourselves to the idea that this just wasn't going to happen.


A few phone calls later and the sales associate reluctantly, but kindly told us that there was one home up for sale by an owner who had never even moved in because of a job relocation.  

To make a very long story short {too late!}...


Since it's a town house, there's not a whole lot to see from the street, but we're enjoying our front stoop!  Even when we don't want to smile for pictures!
We moved in about a month ago and LOVE IT!  It's totally been the right move for us, at this point in our lives.  It's the first suburb outside the city.  Without traffic, the town house is twelve minutes from our old apartment.  We can zip back into the city to see friends, doctors, attractions, but when we come home, we have all the benefits of the suburbs.

Y'all.  THE LUXURY.  Of parking right outside the house and carrying groceries inside a few bags at a time, instead of loading a stroller down with an entire shopping trip and pushing it through lobbies, into elevators, and down long hallways.  THE LUXURY.  Of running back inside if we forget something, without unloading everyone from their car seats.  THE LUXURY.  Of loading the car with backpacks and diaper bags and jackets, and then going back to get the baby.  THE LUXURY.  Of running to check the mail or letting the boys ride their scooters in the cul de sac, while the baby is sleeping upstairs.  THE LUXURY.  Of a pizza man who comes right to the door.

This suburbia thing is rocking our world!

First up in the home tour: the boys' room!


  1. Can't wait for the home tour!
    Congrats on your new home!

  2. I love every word of this post! So happy for your family, friend. Can't wait for the tour!
