Monday, November 11, 2013

Home Tour: Baby Girl's Room

On to Baby Girl's room, which is right next door to the boys' room and also overlooking the park.  From the children's windows, you can see trains rumble by and airplanes coming and going from the airport.   Their views here are almost as exciting as our old city views.

Baby Girl's room doubles as our guest space.  This daybed has a trundle underneath, so we can comfortably sleep two guests, while Baby Girl bunks in with her brothers.  It's all real comfortable, except for maybe the pre-dawn noise level.  Y'all come see us!  And pack your sound machine!

This wall is one of my favorite in the house, because it holds so many special from dear friends and family, a copy of our wedding invitation, a painting by a family friend, a photograph from Baby Girl's Baptism, some beautiful baby presents, a print of Our Blessed Mother.  Everything on that wall means something to me, and I love sharing these things with Baby Girl.

The closet in this room is quite large.  We hope it will one day be a little nursery nook for a new baby.  For now, though, it is Baby Girl's dressing room.  She definitely had the biggest upgrade in the move!  ;)   Her changing table stands in front of huge towers of plastic bins, giving us some extra storage space.  All her play clothes, pajamas, and underthings are kept in the drawers of the changing table, while the blankets and crib sheets are in the baskets up above.  As well as a bottle of OxiClean Max Force...always at the ready!  The armoire holds her dresses and school clothes.

Baby Girl sleeps in the same crib all our children have used, which is a mini crib.  I recommend mini cribs to people all the time when they are outfitting small spaces.  It's so great to have the compact footprint, and our children have never outgrown them before it was time for a toddler bed.

There's even room for a few extra babies!