Saturday, May 11, 2013

Travel Diaries: Baby Girl's Birthday

The last night of our cruise, we celebrated Baby Girl's first birthday!

There was singing.

And cake.

And, of course, my family's tradition of smashing the baby's foot in said cake!  Can't you just see the confusion in her eyes?

Happy birthday, Baby Girl.  You are fun and funny, a comforter and a cuddler.  You screech like nothing I've ever heard before and mimic almost as well.   Your flirty games of peekaboo are completely enchanting and the way you reach for me, palms up and arms straight out, makes me never want to let you go.  

You are ours and we are yours.
We love you so.


  1. Hard to believe she is already a year old! So glad you got to have that birthday with Dave and Julie!
