Wednesday, April 10, 2013

All Good Things

We spent Sunday in early celebration of the Mister's birthday, and--other than one forced pew evacuation with an unruly Buddy Boy at Mass and one dangling of Little Guy by his ankles at lunch to expel a sushi roll from his throat--I wouldn't change a single thing about the whole entire day.

It was the kind of day where your children are beautiful and sweet, your husband is dashing and strong,  strangers are nice to you, and the pretzels from the food cart are extra soft and warm.

It was perfect.

The Mister ran the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler, and shaved 4.5 minutes off his previous race time.  4.5 minutes!  That's almost as incredible as running a 7:09 mile for ten miles in a row.

We came home from cheering on Daddy, turned right around to make it to church, ate lunch out in Chinatown, meandered down the street for dessert, cozied down for naps, and then spent the rest of the day on the National Mall.  We played ball, ran races, flew a kite, and ate a picnic supper.

Even as the sun set, I couldn't tear myself away.  I was just so happy.  Three minutes before the children's bedtime, the Mister started folding up the picnic blanket.

It was time to go.

An uncertain start to the kite flying experiment.

But they got it, eventually.

He appeared from the Great Beyond, bearing pretzels.

Eh-wo? she says, into anything resembling a phone.  And into plenty of things with very little resemblance.

She's a stander now.

He gets a head start.


  1. I loved this post. What a lovely thing to read in the middle of the week as I sit here feeling so far away from the weekend, and almost wishing it weren't so warm. Now I'm GLAD it's warm. More fun days outdoors ahead of us!

  2. I can feel the perfect day in the way you write about it! Thank you for all the pictures! XXOO

  3. Wonderful post and wonderful photos!

  4. Just saw this -- I also ran Cherry Blossom but was WAY behind your husband :) So fun!
