Monday, February 20, 2012

Discover Engineering Family Day

One of our favorite haunts is the Building Museum.  The boys love the Building Zone playroom, the interactive Lego display, the atrium fountain, the miles of carpeted floors to run, and the worn stone steps on the upper floors, which make for great jumping.  Oh, and the bakery cookies.  They love those, too.
 We spend a good deal of time there, but usually just on the weekdays.
This weekend, we got to take the Mister with us for a visit.  It was the annual Discover Engineering Family Day.
We made slime, tested wind tunnels, and admired {from afar} the Cat in the Hat and Curious George.
We built bridges out of gum drops and toothpicks, and watched popcorn and rockets fly through the air.
 But the very biggest hit was the catapult-making activity.
 Luckily, we got to bring our catapults home.  Along with two capes for our engineering superheroes!


BettieBoyd said...

That was so perfect for Jacob's boys! You must have had fun just watching them.

K is for Katherine said...

This place sounds amazing!!! Where is it? I want to introduce the girls to science and engineering as soon as I can so they don't have any reason to be intimidated by it when they get older.

Family Snodgrass said...

The Bldg Museum is at 5th and G NW (very close to the Verizon Center). They have a lot of great exhibits for adults, too. Several times a year they have family days of different sorts. Lots of fun!

Anika said...

I LOVE your building museum!! SO jealous you have such a great museum so close to you.