Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Day

while the Mister led the boys
 in carving happy face and "scary, very sharp mouth" pumpkins both
 i cleaned and oiled and salted pumpkin seeds for roasting
 and baked pumpkin bread, by this delicious recipe, which makes 3 big loaves and thank goodness for that
 and then we watched
 as the first big, puffy, white, wet snowflakes of the season fell to the ground
it was pumpkin day


BettieBoyd said...

They have such beautiful, interested little faces and A is enjoying his Daddy so much! Thank you for the perfect Halloween blog!

ElissaMLF said...

Looks just like our Saturday! Although our snow arrived a bit later. And we baked a pumpkin pie instead of pumpkin bread. :)

Katherine said...

This is a BEAUTIFUL sequence. I felt like I was reading a children's book. Like a really high quality children's book!