Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Together Again

The twin cousins have been reunited!
And it is good.
Lily Rose is introducing the little guy to a whole new world of teapots and baby buggies.
 And making sure he stays well hydrated.
While only occasionally taking a finder's fee off the top.
 She is sweet and precious and I have missed her oh so much!
 Do you know that Lily Rose and Andrew talk on the phone most days?  Well, they do!  They have very deep conversations.  Usually, Lily says, "An-doo, I color paper, An-doo!  I give you big kiss, An-doo!  " and Andrew, in reply, points to various things around our apartment and calls out the names of them, something like, "sock!  shoe!  baby!  cheese!  door!" and then they say, "Bye-bye, An-doo!", "Bye, Lilililili!"
They love each other.
And they make very good partners in crime play.
Well, we're off now to revel in the rocks a bit more!


Aunt Betty said...

They remind me of Joseph and Charles at that age....just so happy to be together!

Wanting What I Have said...


Julie said...

Looks like they picked up right where they left off - glad y'all are having fun in Birmingham!