Wednesday, October 13, 2010

John Fletcher at 2 Months

This little slice of pumpkin pie is 2 months old now!  He weighs 10 pounds, 13 ounces (75th percentile!) and is 23 1/4 inches long (50th percentile). 
John Fletcher is such a sweet baby and beginning to reach that more interactive stage, where it seems like he knows who we are and is glad when we're around.  Such fun!  Our big task this month has been sleep training. He now goes from his dreamfeed (around 10:30 PM) to his next feeding at about 5:30 AM. Sometimes there's a good bit of passy work to be done from 3-5 AM, but we're making it. He's taking a good, structured nap in the afternoon during Andrew's nap, but in the mornings, we are always on the move, so he just falls asleep as he pleases in the stroller or Moby wrap. I hate that he's not getting the structured mornings like Andrew had (and which I know have paid off in Andrew being a fabulous sleeper now), but there is no way we can stay home all day long to have crib naps on schedule this time around. Moms of more than one, how do you deal with this???
John Fletcher's eyes look so dark in pictures, but they are blue as can be...deep, navy blue. 
 And he's good and strong.  Loves to bounce across the floor on his toes with a little assistance.  Big brother loves this, too, because he thinks baby's up and learned to walk.
 He's also getting to be quite the smiley face!  Sometimes, he'll just coo away and almost giggle at us.  It's pretty fantastic.
What a delight you are, my baby boy!  I thank the Lord for giving us you!


elizabeth said...

Hey There!! John Fletcher is so precious! I know you are so in love. Second time around is a whole new ball game. Evie is an excellent sleeper. She sleeps 13 hours at night and takes a 3 plus hour nap in the afternoon--sometimes 4 hours. But she has never had a structured nap just because all toddler activities are from 10 to 12. There was a time where should would get over tired and fuss herself down when we were out and about, but she adjusted very quickly and has done great!! All in all--she cat naps in the car and crashes in the afternoon. However, if we are home--she will go down earlier if need be. He will be so much more flexible than you realize--they really are capable of more than we think. Best of luck and hang in there!

BettieBoyd said...

I love his barechested photos! He is so sweet and his little serious expression is so loving! Two more days! Love, Mama

V said...

Good to hear you've had luck sleep training this early. I'd really like to do that, but everything I've read says not to start until 3-4 months. Maybe you can give me some tips in Feb.!

Wanting What I Have said...

He is SO handsome!! Oh my! I am so happy for y'all!

Elissa said...

So so cute!!

And I've had the same misgivings about Ramona's nap schedule, as we're almost always out and about in the mornings... She actually sleeps better in the carrier during the day than her crib! I'm trying not to worry about it, though, since she is such a good sleeper at night already. (I usually feed her around 9:30 and have her down by 10:00, and she sleeps until 4:00 or 5:00.) I guess this is why second (and third, etc.) children are usually more easy going? That's what I'm telling myself, anyway...

Ramona's 2-month stats (although her appointment wasn't until she was 10 weeks): 15 pounds (off the charts) and just under 25 inches (99th percentile). GIANT little girl...

I can't wait until we can get together with all of the kiddos! I guess Anna's wedding, if not earlier! :)