Saturday, September 18, 2010

Never Before Seen Pictures

When John Fletcher was born, we took only our little point-and-shoot camera into the operating room.  The anesthesiologist very kindly took several pictures for us, but in all the excitement, I never saw those pictures.  I asked Jacob about them at some point, but he said they weren't any good.  Well, I happened upon them the other day.  And I rather like them!  So, because I have a tendency to share with you all pictures that I rather like, here they are!

Fresh baby.  Cute, masked daddy.  Disembodied mama arm.
JF and his 'rents.
This is about the time that I couldn't stop crying and moaning "oooooooooooooooohhhhhh"...something about the scariness of the C-section and the relief of a healthy baby made me incapable of doing anything else.)  Perfect baby!
And onto the recovery room.  See my face?  Bliss, adoration, true love.
Hard to be happier than I was right then.  :)


Wanting What I Have said...

PRECIOUS!!! You are such a beautiful mama!

BettieBoyd said...

That was a happy day!