Pssssst...I'll let you in on a secret.
It's about a little guy I know.

Yep, that one.

You see this left-handed passy adjustment?

And this left-handed sunglass snatch?

And this left-handed cracker grab?

Well, it's almost always like that. The left hand leads and the right hand follows.
So whaddaya think about that?

I'm thinking we've got some left-handed baseball gloves in our future.
Yay, for lefties (from one lefty to another :)!!
Holla! Southpaws unite
I'm not left-handed, but I always thought people who were were super cool. Clearly Andrew is super cool.
Good for Andrew!! Hurray for our side!!
I may be wrong, but I think that means he'll need a right-hand glove. I'm sure Claire will be happy to pass hers along!
Every left handed person I know is sooooo smart so it stands toreason that this little guy would be a lefty!
Yea! I can teach him a few things!!!
I think that means he'll be a good first baseman - I remember Jacob telling me that!
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