Now that Andrew is sitting up and rolling all over the place (like, from one side of the den to the other), we've needed to make a few changes. The abandoned bassinette has been repurposed as a play pen. This will be a short-lived fix, though, as he's already starting to pull up on the sides.
I'm sincerely hoping this will be short-lived as well, since I anticipate needing my den floor back at some point.
We've also dropped the 10 PM feeding and ramped up to solids three times a day now. But after the carrot fiasco, he ate naked for a bit.
We've now given him his clothes back.
For a real shot of big boyness, he "experienced" a sippy cup of water this weekend at the pool.
Here is another first...the first photo of him in his eating chair he looks just like you did as a baby Elizabeth! I hadn't seen it before but that one could be a photo of you at that age! Love to you all!
Aunt Betty
omg, elizabeth-- i'm doing the same thing with the blankets. but the OCD in me can't stand to have stuff all over the floor. hopefully it won't last long! but i'm w/ you on not wanting a fractured skull!
Glad to see he's getting some use out of the ducky sunglasses from the Peabody in Memphis!
Love, Julie
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