So just what does a 6 month old look like? Well, he might look a bit like this fine specimen...
And just how big is a six month old? Well, this one is 26 3/4 inches long and weighs in at 15 pounds, 6 ounces. That's above the 50th percentile for height and just above the 10th percentile for weight. But fear not, the doctor says that Baby Andrew is just a lean little guy and that he is obviously thriving.
"See??? I've got a little tummy pudge hanging around!"
The doctor said she'd seen an unusual number of 6 month olds today and that Andrew was definitely the most animated and smiliest. {It's not bragging if it comes from the doctor's mouth, riiiiiiight?} What a joy!
And what a foot eater! He gnaws on those things like they're spareribs. Like they're spareribs and he hasn't eaten in 2 weeks. Not only did Andrew add foot chewing to the resume this month, but he became quite the flipper. Let him alone with a blanket and he'll roll himself up baby burrito style in two seconds flat!
Andrew's also doing great at night. He goes down at 8, eats at 10 and goes immediately back down, and then sleeps through until around 6 or 7. I'm tempted to move that last feeding of the day up to 8 to let him have a continuous night's sleep, but I hate to tamper when things are going so well. Any thoughts?
And the best news of all? The poopy diaper daily total has fallen to a more reasonable level of 2-4! Yippee!
Can I just tell you how blown away I am by Andrew being six months old?! Almost every night before bed, Jacob and I end up gazing at our little infant, consciously basking in the blessing that he is and thanking God for the gift of his life. He brings us so very much happiness and has made these past 6 months the best of our lives. I am so thrilled that this is only the beginning!
What a beautiful commentary on parenthood! I'm so happy for all of you.
Much love always.
Andrew appears to be excelling on all counts at 6 months! I know the next 6 months will bring you and Jacob even more delightful surprises at Andrew's future accomphishments!
I can't believe he is 6 MONTHS! How quickly time is flying. Regarding the nighttime feeding...we have been backing up our feeding time. Mary Thomas is down to her last feeding at 9:15 and then up at 7:00. She was eating at 10 for a long time, and I backed it up to 9:45. We continued that until she was waking at the right time (7 am). Then I backed it up another 15 minutes to 9:30...we did that until she got the hang of it. Now we're at 9:15. My ultimate goal is 7:00. We won't get there for awhile, but once we add solids, I think it will be easier. This theory is from Babywise. Good luck!!
I cannot believe how big baby Andrew has gotten! And handsome to boot! :) Thanks for sharing Elizabeth!
It goes by so fast doesn't it? Sometimes I just wish time would stand still.
I dropped Anna Reese's late feeding around 4-5 months. I did the babywise technique of feeding at 9:45 for a week, 9:30 for a week, etc. Once I got to 9:00, I just dropped the whole feeding and she slept right on through until 7 am the next morning. I remember the first night I did it I was a nervous wreck! haha..He'll do great!
Sounds like I need to brush up on my Babywise, girls! I had totally forgotten that they give a good method for moving up that last feeding. Thanks!
How healthy! How bright! How beautiful! We are all blessed. You are doing a fine job. Love, Mama
So cute!
Amelia was right around the 25th percentile for weight at 6 months, but shot up to the 75th at 9 months (she's still at the 98th for length); I think the addition of solid foods made the difference, and it looks like Andrew will be a good eater!
Phoebe was (is) a peanut like Andrew... so we didn't drop that 10:00 feed for a LONG time. We figured she could use all the extra calories she could get!
We dropped Nora's around 5 or 6 months old, and we did it by dropping back 15 minutes every night until she just wasn't interested in eating again.
Never fear, no matter what you do-- he won't eat at 10 forever!
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