He's also doing pretty well with sitting up, going maybe 30 seconds without assistance.
He seems to be keeping those blue eyes and is getting blonder every day.
{Warning: Boring mommy talk ahead!} This month we've been working on sleep training/baby boot camp/self-soothing, whatever you want to call it. Months ago we had Andrew sleeping pretty well at night, but he had slowly regressed and eventually was waking up 4-5 times every night. That's no good for anyone! The biggest change has been that Andrew now sleeps in his crib for all naps and at night, instead of in the bassinette attached to our bed. I had been so reluctant to do this because being able to just roll over and check on him throughout the night was such a comfort. But it was time. The first three nights we put him in the crib, he slept from 10:30 until around 6 without making a peep! It was terribly exciting! That stellar performance has not necessarily repeated itself every night, and being sick definitely threw him off (lately, there's been a cry-it-out session around 4 each morning), but we're definitely better off than we were before.
At night, we no longer have to swaddle him because he goes to sleep with a full tummy. But for naps, when he goes to sleep 1.5-2 hours after having eaten, he just cries and cries, unless he's swaddled. We've resorted to what we call the Swaddle 2.0, where the blanket is wrapped over his arms and under his body. It's much harder to break out of than an ordinary swaddle, but if Andrew gets real mad, he can even break the Swaddle 2.0 {as demonstrated below}. Anybody out there have a suggestion as to how we can get this little guy to take naps without a swaddle? Or should we just not worry about it until he's asking to be swaddled for his kindergarten rest hour?
Elizabeth, sleep training is no fun! However, you will be so glad when you are able to put him in his crib every night and he goes to sleep by himself! I would say if he likes the swaddle, why not? The biggest thing not to do is keep going back in the room to reswaddle, replace pacifier, roll over, etc. My mom told me to just let her cry it out...and it was terrible, but I was so glad I did it. Naps, bedtime, everything. Now, does that mean that EF now goes to sleep without a peep? NO. However, she mostly just whines and then falls asleep. Good luck because sleep training is one of my least favorite parts of the 1st year!!
I just love his little crowing!
Elizabeth, I stumbled on your blog through facebook... what a delightful little one you have! I can tell you're loving being his sweet mommy! Congratulations!
My Nora was completely addicted to the swaddler, and we ultimately spent two weeks in boot camp getting rid of it cold turkey. But I will tell you that she now sleeps beautifully, without her swaddler! Sleep training is no fun, but you WILL reap the rewards!
Glad to hear that Andrew is sleeping better, even if not unswaddled all of the time. And also happy to see that he likes his twisty buy toy! :)
Glad to hear that Andrew is sleeping better, even if not unswaddled all of the time. And happy to see that he seems like his twisty bug toy! :)
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