Thank you to the kind souls who offered their input regarding strollers and travel systems! You'll be happy to know Baby Snodgrass is now prepared to sit and ride in style. We decided to go with a 3-wheel jogging stroller, so as to avoid having Andrew get his first lessons in head banging as we push him down the oh-so-uneven brick sidewalks of these city streets. Plus, the 3-wheel style will make it easy to maneuver in our building's elevators and hallways, and should be good for getting on and off the Metro. And we opted for the complete travel system, so Andrew can remain nice and comfy in his infant seat, while we snap it in and out of the car seat base and stroller. A few months lifting that infant seat, and my arms will be in their best shape ever! I must admit, I gave this thing a pretty good test drive in the aisles of Babies R Us, and I definitely liked the feeling of being mommy at the helm!

P.S. Did you know they have cup holders in all the strollers now???!!! 2 for Baby and 2 for the driver!
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