Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We headed out of town again this weekend for the wedding of law school friends Melissa and Nathan. What a beautiful event!

Jacob and I left DC for Philadelphia with at least 2 hours of cushion time in our travel plans, to make sure we could be comfortably settled in the hotel before the wedding. But...in this part of the country, even 2 hours of cushion can easily not be enough! After encountering loads of terrible traffic, we had about 15 minutes to make a presto-change-o. We slipped into the church just ahead of the bride (hey, we made it!). So, in all the madness, I unfortunately forgot our camera. Luckily, my friend Lindsay posted a few photos I can poach.

The newlyweds on the golf course at the club where the reception was held. Such a beautiful day, especially for August. Not really hot at all, just pleasantly warm!

We got to see lots of UVA Law friends, which was wonderful. I love getting to see people in their new life situations--new girlfriends, new jobs, newly engaged, etc. Everything changes so quickly at our age! Enjoying the cocktail hour (I had the bartender mix me up a fruit juice cocktail, which was delicious!):

And at our very fun, extra lively dinner table!

The band was really great, and everybody danced all night! Such a good time! Congratulations to Melissa and Nathan!!!

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