Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Windy City Weekend

I spent a fun-filled weekend in Chicago, as a guest for my dear law school friend Anika's bridal shower. Her bridesmaids threw a tea party at the Drake Hotel--quite the experience! Thank you for including me!

All the girls, enjoying flavored teas, tea sandwiches, and scones:

With the beautiful bride:

Vanessa kindly allowed me to be her houseguest for the weekend, and I had such a good time catching up with her and her husband, Erik.

Vanessa gave Anika the cutest cow creamer--the milk comes out the cow's nose!

Law school friends!

While in Chicago, I also got to see Lauren and Collin. We met for lunch at a true Chicago deep dish pizza place.

They were so sweet to make time to see me on their 5th wedding anniversary! Congratulations, Hansens!

I had such a great time, but really missed Jacob. I was looking forward to getting home to see him, and he made my return even brighter--he had cleaned the entire apartment and done all the laundry! I sure am a lucky girl!


Anonymous said...

Loved you in the beautiful yellow dress! Glad your weekend was so much fun.
Love, Julie

Anonymous said...

It was so nice of you to come all the way to Chicago for me. I'm so happy I got to see you and little Baby Snodgrass' bump. Love you tons!