Saturday, June 21, 2008

New York Part II

It's been such a busy week at work, so I'm just now finding time to post the pictures from Courtney and Robert's wedding. The wedding and reception were held at the Harvard Club in New York City, which is a really lovely place. The ceremony and reception were both beautiful, and full of personal touches. Courtney and Robert, I think Robert especially, love The Beatles, so both events included lots of Beatles music, some of it rewritten by Robert to be played by a string trio for the ceremony. It was really neat!

My dear friends from forever and ever, Virginia and Katie, were both bridesmaids. It was really great to get to catch up. This is our Crestline Elementary Cougars crew, plus Laura Ann, who couldn't make it up to New York--we missed you, LAB!

With my handsome husband at the cocktail hour!

In high school I was very active in theatre, which is how I got to know Courtney. A good number of our old "theatre friends" made it to the wedding, and I had such a great time getting to introduce Jacob to them. With Virginia and Tyler at the ccktail hour!

Our camera takes a really long time to take a photograph, so actions shots are close to impossible to catch (we may have to think about this when Baby Snodgrass comes!), so below is my feeble attempt at a first dance picture. At least you can tell how pretty Courtney's dress was! I tried to get one of them cutting the cake, and all you can see is a guest's arm!

For dinner, we sat at the Rome table, which had lots of friends from high school, and enjoyed crab cakes and filet mignon.

And I just couldn't resist:

Sunday morning, we got to enjoy brunch with the out of towners at The Comfort Diner. We ride taxis all the time here in DC, but somehow a taxicab picture seems appropriate in NYC!

It was so much fun to get to hang out with Virginia and Shane. In addition to being one of my best friends, Vir is now my new-mommy model too!

Soon after brunch, we hopped on the train and headed back into DC. What a very fun weekend--we were so thankful to be included! Congratulations to the new Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter!


Anonymous said...

What a fun weekend with the Snodgrass family! Loved every minute with you! Can't wait to see you and Jacob again soon! (September won't come soon enough) Keep posting baby belly pictures! Love you! -Vir

Katie said...

Congratulations Elizabeth!

Anonymous said...

are you sure you're pregnant? You are just a bombshell knockout in that brunch photo. Rarr there hot mommy!

Anonymous said...

Oh Four "Mama" Clovers now!!! I am so happy for y'all! So sad I had to miss the trip!